Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Marketing, Advertising, and Propaganda

Marketing is a large business function. It is as a whole the systematic planning to control the business of the product and to communicate positive value to customers.  Marketing involves all different components, and advertising being one of them. Advertising is only a step in the marketing process.  Advertising is to promote a product by trying to get the word out there. This is mostly done through television, radio, ads in the newspaper, and even through the internet. 

Propaganda is the manipulation of public opinion. It is biased towards one view and is usually expressed through media to try to persuade people for or against something. The difference between advertising and propaganda is that advertising is an effort to get you to buy a certain product or service, while propaganda is an effort to change your personal beliefs or values.

Marketing and advertising are related in that they are business concepts, while propaganda is more of embellished messages or fabrications to support a certain cause. Do you think there is a major difference between advertising and propaganda since they are both trying to get you to essentially believing in their products or beliefs?